Strong Response to Call for Proposals on Gun Violence Reduction
Feb 10, 2020
Our Grants
This study will investigate the use of data from social media posts to measure gun-related outcomes in cities or states, and improve the data available to support rigorous gun policy research.
This project seeks to improve the data available to understand gun-related outcomes and support rigorous gun policy research through the novel use of social media data.
Build a foundation for understanding for how social media data may be used—alone or with other data resources—to improve gun policy research.
Lisa Singh is a professor in the Department of Computer Science, and research professor at the Massive Data Institute, of Georgetown University. Dr. Singh has authored or co-authored over 70 peer-reviewed publications and book chapters related to data-centric computing. Current projects include learning from public, open-source big data to advance social science research on human behavior and opinion; identifying and quantifying noise and other forms of poor-quality information (including misinformation) on social media; developing methods and tools to better understand forced movement due to conflict; and studying privacy on the web.