Requests for Proposals

The Collaborative periodically develops and distributes requests for proposals (RFP) to solicit submissions from eligible researchers on gun policy research topics.

Active RFPs

RFP Title




Key Dates

Letters of Interest closed on Tuesday, September 5, 2023.
Invitations to submit full proposals will be sent no later than October 16, 2023.

The National Collaborative on Gun Violence Research has issued a request for proposals for rigorous research, disseration and postdoctoral projects on extreme risk protection orders (ERPOs), also known as red flag laws, in the United States.

Archived RFPs

2022 Annual RFP

Submissions for the 2022 annual RFP closed on February 7, 2022. Award announcements were made in July 2022.

2021 Annual RFP

Submissions for the 2021 annual RFP closed on February 5, 2021. Award announcements were made in June 2021.

2020 Annual RFP

Submissions of full proposals for the 2020 annual RFP were due on April 10, 2020. Award announcements were made in late July, 2020.

Harm To Gun Users RFP

The National Collaborative on Gun Violence Research partnered with the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation to offer a new research funding opportunity to study the impact of gun policy on law-abiding gun users. Proposals closed on May 1, 2020.

2019 Annual RFP

The Collaborative's first annual request for proposals closed on April 1, 2019.