Our Grants

A Comparison of Firearm-Related Intimate Partner Homicide in Missouri and Oregon: Prevalence, Risk, and the Effect of Firearm Regulations


This study will analyze the extent to which firearm access, use, and ownership are risk factors for intimate partner homicide and intimate partner homicide-suicide in Missouri and Oregon, and will examine intersecting risk factors at the family, community, social and environmental levels.




This study will describe the unique interplay of factors that increase risk of intimate partner homicide and intimate partner homicide-suicide. This will lead to a more nuanced understanding of firearm-related risk, and inform future evidence-based, multilevel, risk-informed intimate partner homicide and intimate partner homicide-suicide prevention policies and interventions.


This case-control study will be conducted in two states (Missouri, Oregon), chosen to provide robust interstate firearm comparisons (regarding ownership/access and relevant firearm laws), and demographic and geographic diversity. We will collect case file and interview data to compare intimate partner homicide (IPH) and intimate partner homicide-suicide (IPH-S) victims (cases) to a random sample of individuals who experienced non-fatal physical intimate partner violence in the past two years (controls). The study will examine the prevalence and describe the context of firearm-related IPH and IPH-S; assess the extent to which firearm access, ownership, and/or use are risk factors for IPH and IPH-S; identify differential patterns of risk between firearm-related and non-firearm related IPH; and examine patterns of gun ownership behaviors and attitudes. Propensity score weighting, logistic regression analysis, and machine learning approaches will be used to identify IPH and IPH-S risk.


This study will increase our understanding of intimate partner homicide and homicide-suicide through the collection and analysis of contemporary, primary data with a focus on firearm ownership/access and applicable gun laws. Findings will inform evidence-based, multilevel, risk-informed approaches to reduce and prevent lethal intimate partner violence outcomes.


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Investigator Bios

  • Jill Theresa Messing, MSW, PhD is a professor in the School of Social Work and the director of the Office of Gender-Based Violence at Arizona State University. Dr. Messing specializes in the development and testing of intimate partner violence risk assessments, and is particularly interested in the use of risk assessment in collaborative, innovative interventions and as a strategy for reducing intimate partner homicide.
  • Jacquelyn Campbell, PhD, RN is Anna D. Wolf Chair and professor in the Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing. Dr. Campbell has published more than 250 articles, seven books and been principal investigator of more than 12 major NIH, CDC, NIJ, DOD and DOJ grants in her decades of advocacy policy work collaborating with domestic violence survivors, advocates, health care professionals and marginalized communities.
Grant Amount
Award Type
Arizona State University
Jill Theresa Messing, professor, School of Social Work, and director, Office of Gender-Based Violence, Arizona State University; and Jacquelyn Campbell, Anna D. Wolf Chair and professor, Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing.
Year Awarded
Focus Areas
Domestic Gun Violence
Policy Analysis