Our Grants

The Age-Graded Interaction between Individual Propensity and Situational Factors Associated with Urban Gun Violence Among a High-Risk Youth Sample


This study uses a longitudinal, within-individual design focusing on the age-graded nature of firearm offending with a high-risk youth sample. This study will also assess the moderation of situational factors on the links between individual risk factors and gun violence over time.


In Progress


The purpose of this project is to uncover individual, situation, and interactive risk factors that influence gun violence across an age range of heightened risk for gun violence.


This study uses latent growth curve modeling with time-invariant covariates and time-varying individual and situational risk factors to assess how situational factors moderate the effect of the propensity for violence on gun use over time in a high-risk youth sample.


This project extends prior research by examining the age-graded nature of risk factors for gun use during a critical developmental stage and examining situational factors that condition the association between individual propensity and gun violence. This study will pinpoint age-graded risk factors to identify the most appropriate periods for intervention.

Investigator Bios

Sultan Altikriti is a visiting assistant professor in the sociology, criminology, and criminal justice department at Emmanuel College. He is interested in using quantitative methods to assess mechanisms linking aspects of developmental and life-course criminology with decision-making, behavioral, and social outcomes. His work aims to advance criminological research and inform juvenile justice and correctional policy through theoretical integration.

Eric Connolly (mentor) is an associate professor in the department of criminal justice and criminology at Sam Houston State University. His research examines biological and social influences on antisocial behavior and victimization across the life course. His work has appeared in journals such as Child Development, Child Maltreatment, Criminology, Journal of Quantitative Criminology, and Social Science & Medicine.

Grant Amount
Award Type
Emmanuel College
Sultan Altikriti, visiting assistant professor in the sociology, criminology, and criminal justice department at Emmanuel College.
Expected Completion Date
June 2023
Focus Areas
Intervention Research