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Priority Research Areas Announced for 2020 Funding Round

Second Request for Proposals to Include Missouri Focus

The National Collaborative on Gun Violence Research has announced details of the upcoming request for proposals (RFP), to be released on January 3, 2020.

In the 2019 funding round, the collaborative awarded almost $10 million in research funding.

With this RFP, the collaborative seeks research proposals that will address knowledge gaps in:

  • Urban gun violence
  • Domestic gun violence
  • Mass shootings
  • Gun suicides
  • Officer-involved shootings
  • How gun policies affect a wide range of stakeholder interests, such as defensive gun use.

In addition to basic and descriptive projects, the RFP will request applied and policy research proposals on gun violence prevention and on the effects of gun regulations at the local, state, and federal levels.

As well as a general request for proposals, the collaborative will have funds set aside for research relevant to Missouri. These funds will be used to support gun policy or gun violence prevention research that concerns programs, policies, or interventions used in or developed for Missouri, or that studies the experiences of Missourians.

The solicitation will include opportunity to apply for dissertation awards as well as new post-doctoral research fellowship awards.

All 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charitable organizations, public universities, and public agencies are eligible to apply for funding.

Mark your calendar to check here on January 3, 2020, for full details. To stay informed, follow the collaborative on Twitter, or sign up for email alerts.