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Dissertation Awards and Post-Doctoral Fellowships Available in 2022 Funding Round

Research Programs Will Also Be Eligible to Apply for Funding

Funding will be available for dissertation awards and post-doctoral fellowships in the National Collaborative on Gun Violence Research's fourth funding round in 2022.

The request for proposals (RFP) will be issued in January 2022, and for the first time will allow research groups and programs to apply for fellowship funding, and later hire a trainee to fill the job.

Collaborative director Andrew Morral said allowing research groups to apply for funding, as well as individuals, will allow for more high-quality research proposals for post-doctoral funding.

"People completing their Ph.D.s often do not know by January where they will be working after they graduate, so have a hard time applying for a post-doc when we issue our RFPs. But research groups can now apply for them, and then hire to fill the post-doc role if awarded a grant."

As in past funding rounds, dissertation awards are funded at $25,000, and post-doctoral fellowships at $50,000. We expect to make eight to 10 awards.

The 2022 RFP will be the fourth funding round for the collaborative, which has funded more than $21 million in grants for 44 gun violence research projects in the past three years.

The RFP will be released in early January 2022, with letters of interest due in February.